Thursday, February 28, 2019

Don't You Want The Best Trained Jeweler?

So here I am...waiting around a hotel room in Atlanta, GA..preparing to go to a jeweler's training session.  Why do I drive 5 hours away to take another training session on doing something I've been doing the last 35 years?  Simple...I want to be the best jeweler I can be for you!

Just like our fast paced society...things in the jewelry world change quickly.  New tech, new product lines, new machinery for creating custom jewelry, its important to me to stay "Up to Date" with everything that is available.

Perhaps this is one of the things that sets us here at The Gold Mine apart from other jewelers in our region...our desire to stay relevant and to keep the newest, coolest products available for our clients.

So I've got several hours of training ahead, but I'll do it...and I can't wait to show you what I've got to offer when I get back!

Take care,

Bill Warren, Owner
The Gold Mine