Recently, we had a lovely lady stop by who wanted to "Trade" her old gold wedding set in on a new jewelry item so she could get rid of "Bad Memories" from a painful divorce. Guess what? We were able to help her do just that by allowing her a trade in on some new jewelry she would enjoy and we were still able to put some cash in her pocket on top of the new jewelry she left the store wearing!
You may be sitting on your own virtual "GOLD MINE" and just don't know it! Gather up your old gold and bring it by our store for a FREE evaluation...it might be worth more than you think! With summer coming on...everyone can use a little extra cash for a vacation, home improvements, etc.
Currently, gold is trading at a 25 year high so, the dollars can really add up quickly. I invite you to check out this link on our website for more information regarding this little known service we offer...you'll find it at: http://www.hudsongoldmine.com/We_Buy_Gold.php
See You Soon,
Bill Warren, Owner/Registered Gemologist
The Gold Mine - Hudson, NC
website: www.hudsongoldmine.com
email: goldman86@bellsouth.net