What kind of party? Well for starters, my lovely wife Angie will have her famous "Chocolate Fountain" on display that you can dip fruit, cookies, crackers..(sorry, don't dip your finger)! The atmosphere will be light and soft music playing, just a gathering of friends and my best customers to show them whats new in the jewelry industry for mom...Hey, Mother's Day is almost here (May 13th)...I gotta help these folks get ready!
Nothing quite makes an impression on Mom (other than you visiting or calling her once and awhile) like fine jewelry! I've got to say that this year's new spring jewelry collection we've assembled is one of the best ever!
Also, we have a closeout jewelry case of some old friends(jewelry) that we'd like to move so we've marked them down at or below our actual cost to give them a good adoptive home!
If you're in our area...stop by and join our little party of friends! The food and drinks are on me as are the laughs and fun we're going to have!
See ya then,
Bill Warren, Owner/Registered Gemologist
The Gold Mine of Hudson
Email: goldman86@bellsouth.net
website: www.hudsongoldmine.com
P.S. - its ok to bring a friend...there will enough food, drinks and fun for all!
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