Saturday, August 10, 2013

A Worthy Development - He Hung The Moon and Stars Jewelry Collection

HE HUNG THE MOON & STARS Jewelry Collection

One of the biggest pleasures I derive as a jeweler is to help a local charity near and dear to my heart.  The Robin's Nest Children's Advocacy is one of those charities and they help abused children and their families.  Recently, we created a new line of jewelry called, "He Hung The Moon & Stars" TM that honors our loving Creator and Psalms 8:3.  See the story about the creation of this below:

Doing something of this nature puts a lot of "ME" out there and realizing that some folks probably thing, "Oh, he's just trying to line his pockets by doing this", let me explain...

The story above is true and it really did happen to me.  I believe when God gives you an inspired idea like this...its very important to act upon it and to "Give back" as only you can do.  You see, the Robin's Nest does a ministry in its own right by helping needy children and their families.

In doing this line of jewelry as our way of ministry, we are donating 10% of the sale from each Moon & Stars pendant to the Robin's Nest and better yet, we're doing our best to bring national recognition to them.

Recently, we were interviewed by Southern Jewelry News, Mid-America Jewelry News and Instore Magazine...all national publications and of course, we told them all about this wonderful charity and how we're trying to bring recognition to them and guess what?  They're printing articles in each publication for't God awesome!!!

Getting back to the pendants for a are a few pics to give you an idea and of course, they can be worn by men and women depending upon the necklace you choose to go with it!


The bigger versions sale for $99 with your pick of necklace and the smaller versions sale for $79 with your choice of chain...very reasonable wouldn't you say?

Stop by and take a look at them and support a very good cause, "The Robin's Nest Children's Advocacy"


Bill Warren, Owner
The Gold Mine
545 Main Street Hudson, NC 28638

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